Monday, July 2, 2012

Following Jesus...

I know I use the "..." a lot.  Mostly because I think it makes things more interesting and intriguing than a "." or "!".  I also believe that it builds anticipation...the type of anticipation that comes from watching a magician build to the climactic moment of lighter fluid springing forth from his hand..."But still: where did the lighter fluid come from?"  However, when it comes to following Jesus, I can't imagine a better way to express what is ahead.

Laurel and I have been talking about life a lot lately.  We've been discussing purpose, direction, the way society most likely views some of the choices we make (this last year makes us look totally flaky).  It makes sense to us, but we know that it can look bad to everyone else.  We've had a few job changes in the last year for different reasons and a part of that is taking steps that were in the wrong direction.

All of this could be a real downer, but as we have been talking about it all this week (brought on by each of us independently of one another coming together with similar thoughts on me getting back into full-time ministry) we have reminded one another of the way in which Scripture shows us how to followers of Christ.

Laurel came across Isaiah 30:21, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'”  We were reminded that as we make decisions in life, we don't know 100% if the decision was right or wrong until after we have taken a step.  God let's us move and then shows us whether it was the right choice or not.  I love this about God.  It's stressful at times, but this is true relationship.  He doesn't force anything on us.  We have the ability to choose which way to step.

We've taken a wrong step or two this last year.  

Not because we weren't seeking God's direction or because we were trying to ignore Jesus.  We were seeking him...his direction, but we stepped the wrong way.  We see the same thing happen to Paul in Acts 16:7, "When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to."  Paul was doing what he thought he was supposed to do, but took a wrong step. 

Following Jesus is not an exact science.  And it goes infinitely beyond saying a prayer, Sunday services and cleaning up our language.  Following Jesus is action.  It is movement.  And sometimes we will move in the wrong direction.  It doesn't mean that we beat ourselves up about it.  Paul didn't.  In Acts, this passage is so casually written, that I missed it many times.  When we follow Jesus, we don't know what is to come.  When we turn, we will make mistakes, but we keep going just as Paul did.  In John chapter 3, the Holy Spirit is described as wind (which makes sense when we look at the Hebrew and the Greek).  It says in verse 8, "The wind blows wherever it pleases.  You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Following Jesus should always make us use "...".  It's unpredictable.  It's challenging.  It's exciting.  It's life-giving.  What I've learned is that following Jesus can make you seem flaky.  Sometimes because of the way He leads (as the wind blows) and sometimes because we take a wrong step (the Spirit of Jesus would not allow us).  Either way, I would have it no other way.  I love it.  I love Him and the directions He's led me.  I hope to take steps in the right direction, but I won't let it get me down when I don't. 

We are in a good place now; however, we know that this is not a permanent place in life.  God has called me to full-time ministry and that's where I will be again.  We're trying to follow the wind.

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