Sunday, December 8, 2013

I'm His boy...

I'm overwhelmed today by the love of God.  I know it's become a cliche thing to say, but that's only because God's love is so big, so rampant, so pervasive and overwhelming that we can't help but be overwhelmed by Him.  And the cliche sound of it only proves that fact.

I've been on a journey over the past couple of months...really over my lifetime, but God has been opening my eyes to new things recently that have been making me more aware of who He is and who I am in Him.

About a month ago, I went on a men's retreat with my church that was definitely needed.  There were a couple of things that God opened my eyes to:
- My call to ministry, and
- My identity

I'm called to be a pastor and God is working in me and opening my eyes to what that looks like, but I'll talk more about that another time.  What I'm overwhelmed with today is my identity in Him.

I have two sons and they get scared sometimes.  When this happens, I've made it my habit to get their attention...a difficult task most days...and tell them that they are my boys.  I'll say, "You don't have to be scared.  Daddy's here.  And what's daddy's job?"

"To take care of us."  I've taught them this answer as well as the answers to follow...

"That's right.  And who's the strongest?"

"Daddy," or "You are."

"That's right.  And I will do everything in my power to take care of you.  You are my boy and I will protect you."

Yes, it sounds like I taught my boys to puff up my ego...and maybe that's a little true, but really the bigger and stronger I am in their minds, the safer and more secure they feel.  Knowing that they are the sons of the biggest and strongest daddy helps let's them know that everything will be okay.

At the retreat, what hit me in a huge way is that I am God's boy.  I could hear my words from Him, "You [Chris], are my boy."  I heard it over and over, "You are my boy."  God was drilling it into my head and my very soul.

I know that God is the biggest and strongest in every way.  He is the Creator of all things.  If I'm His boy, I have nothing to fear.  As He calls me to follow Him, I can go with confidence that I am on the shoulders of the One that is greater than all others.  There is literally nothing that can stand in His way.

It's like on The Godfather, when Diane Keaton's character tells Al Pacino's character that she's leaving him and taking their kids.  He says, "Don't you know that I would never let that happen.  Don't you know that I would use all my power to stop you.  You will not take my family!"

I can hear God speaking with that kind of passion and much, much more power for all of His children.  The reality is that God loves each of us with this kind of power and passion.  The truth is that God will do whatever it takes to take care of rescue save us because we are His children.  You and I are His.