Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1 Thousand "Thank You's"

The revolution of thanks is ending on this one for me...not in life, but merely for this blog account. This seems to me to be the most unlikely of places to discover a reason for gratitude, but nonetheless, here it is.

I just read an excerpt from a book called, The Secrets We Keep, by John Eckeberger and I couldn't finish it. It's a book about the sexual abuse that Eckeberger experienced as a kid and it goes into some very detailed descriptions.

It was too much.

I couldn't handle it. I sat at my computer with tears streaming down my cheeks at the thought of such unimageinable evil in this world. I wanted to reach out to Eckeberger. I wanted to reach out to the man who was the source of this pain and hurt. But there was nothing that I could do. I was left with reading about the loss and hurt that had happened and I couldn't even do that. I wanted to read what he had written. I wanted to support him by hearing the words that he had poured into, but I couldn't do it. I had to skip ahead, past the hurt, to the end of the first chapter. I wanted to see if there was a redeeming ending to the horrific accounts that were just expressed on the pages.

There were none.

Obviously, being the first chapter, my hopes were far too high for what had been written. I read the excerpt on Eckeberger's blog, which shares the name of his book and allows for comments, feedback, etc. from readers. The very first comment on this chapter from his book gave me what I did not expect...


Speaking of similar abuse in his family, the comment said, "...those secrets have been a source of pain, suffering, and the brink of destruction...the secrets, no long secrets, have also opened the door to Jesus' healing power, forgiveness, and most of all unending grace..."

I'm grateful that Eckeberger has opened the door to release the foothold that the enemy has held for far too long. That he is willing to share his hurt and healing with the world in order to allow others to do the same. To provide a place of release. A place of healing. A place of hope. A place where people can allow God to hold us close in the midst of our hurt.

God provides healing, forgiveness, and grace in the gravest of circumstances. It's beyond my understanding. I don't know how to deal with this kind of tragedy in the world, but I'm grateful that God does. That He is holds us close.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

1000 thanks!

Okay, surprisingly Thanksgiving put a temporary stop to writing my thanks. It amazes me at times how something that is supposed to make you do one thing creates so much work and busyness that it pushes you toward the complete opposite edge. So I'm going to write one thing down today that really hit me over Thanksgiving to be thankful for...

I was overwhelmed to have my boy with us this year. It was a little taste of Hell not having him in our arms last year, and I cannot convey the kind of gratitude that is in my heart to have him near right now. I truly feel the gratitude toward God that I believe I'm supposed to have all the time...a gratitude that is so deep that it's beyond my abilities to express.